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Serving Size
12 - 1.75 oz. pieces

Our exclusive biscotti are crunchy on the outside and soft in the center. Made by hand at Award Winning Bakery La Patisserie in Winchester Ma. Chocolate Hazelnut, Lemon Ginger, Butterscotch Pecan & Cranberry Almond. 

NEW: Mini Biscotti!


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  • If you think all biscotti are hard, dry cookies that need a good soaking to enjoy, I invite you to try my versions. My biscotti are baked in big pieces that are sliced after baking. The result is a thick biscotti with a crunchy outside that gives way to a soft center filled with fruits and nuts.  

    This package of 12 includes such modern favorites as Chocolate Hazelnut, Lemon, Butterscotch Pecan and Cranberry Almond.

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