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Christmas Fortune Cookies - Take Out Pail of 6

Serving Size
6 Fortune Cookies
Our Christmas Fortune Cookies are the perfect gift for the holiday season.  Holiday messages inside each cookie make family and friends enjoy their day even more.

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  • Our Christmas Take Out Pail of 6 Fortune Cookies is the perfect gift for the holiday season.  Each crisp vanilla fortune cookie is dipped in your choice of Belgian Chocolates or Golden Caramel.

    Our confectionery artisans decorate with hand made Royal Icing decorations for Christmas then sprinkle with red, white and green non-pariels and Holly and Berry confetti.  Each cookie is individually wrapped in its own cellophane bag and heat sealed at both ends for freshness and quality.

    This gift of fortune is a perfect way to celebrate the Holiday Season and is certain to win rave reviews.

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