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Happy Birthday Cookie Bouquet

Serving Size
Cookie Bouquet
Surprise family and friends with our Happy Birthday cookie bouquet.  Get the party started!

Maximum number of characters: 25

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  • Description
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  • This delicious arrangement of Cookie Blooms is a gift that is always in good taste - and is sure to delight cookie lovers of all ages!

    Our Cookies are handmade Vanilla Sugar Shortbread Cookies, freshly baked and iced within hours of being out of the oven.

    Let's think outside the cake box and enjoy our Happy Birthday cookie bouquet.  There's enough excitement to go around.  This popular assortment is a great gift for a Happy Birthday and features brilliantly hand decorated and hand iced Cakes, Balloons, Gifts and Birthday Candles.  Who needs a cake when you can have it all in one?!

    A Cookie Plaque conveys the perfect message!

    Choose our 5, 7, 9 or 12 pc arrangement of Cookie Blooms.

    Nutritional Information
    KSA Kosher

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