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Serving Size
Approx 7" tall (24 ozs)

Availability: Out of stock

Try Germany's most popular cake at your next holiday gathering. Known as Der Konig der Kuchen, Tree cake, the king of cakes, and spit cake.

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  • We ship this all across the USA. A true test of a pastry chef's skills. The baking of this traditional Polish and German cake requires a special wooden log that spins round on a long spit in a very high temperature during the process. The dough drops fall onto the log and get baked in a form of amber. This labor-intensive specialty gets it name, which translates literally as "Tree Cake", from the many thin rings that form as layer upon layer of cake is baked.

    Baumkuchen (Sękacz) is a unique looking pastry. It stands approximately seven inches tall and is a real decoration for any celebration table.

    It is also a delicious traditional Polish and German dessert and excellent sweet gift.

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